taggin??well not really know about it but used to hear the word before.so gee tagged me (had no idea how to tag n be tagged tho), n these i present u all the fours for ur pleasure of reading!
Four (latest) jobs I've had:
1) workin as my father's secretary in his office (which my job required me to take orders n talk over the phone all days.i like...even the pay was ciput.ehhe..
2) tuition teacher-i taught form 3 studts.not bad, except for the pay (again..!)
3) matric lecturer-guess educating ppl is genetically flows in my brain
4) sum glamorious jobs in the future perhaps??being tai tai?i wish!
-Four movies I can watch over and over:
1) my best friend's wedding - cameron diaz was wayyyyy lovable!
2) y tu mama tambien -ha ha...raunchy!
3) spirited away- animaniac i am.i know.i simply love ghibli's product.
4) romi n michelle high school reunion-i were michelle..if that a case..:)
-Four TV shows I love
1) america next top model -all seasons.the bimbos and the brain never get intact.they cant even pronounce issey miyake for modellin' sake!
2) everybody loves raymond-shud i tell ya peeps over and over again tat frank barone is discreetly my idol?
3) desperate housewives-yes im on the bandwagon.
4) all reality tv series that have the bitchiness in its programme.
-Four places I've vacationed
1) danok, chieng mai, thailand- mostly for the purpose of wasting money.
2) medan, indonesia- i was in love n had huge crush on our tourist guide.haha
3) pedu lake, kedah-one of the most amazing, serene hideout place ive found so far.
4) singapore-love every single day of it
Four of my favorite dishes (in no particular number of preferences.im not a picky eater)
1) nasik lemak makcik at pasar malam MEC gambang (unglamorious place but the nasik was beyond words! been her regular every thursday tho)
2) mama's sambal udang n sambal tumis ikan bilis-when to see me piggin then tis is the time
3) chicken rice shop's beansprout-emm emmm...crunchy enuff to make it as snackin option
4) moi spaghetti bolognaise -:)
Four sites I visit daily:
1) friendster.com -appreciate the ol ones, cherish the new ones..
2) forum.cari.com-well resourceful web.from food to gossip, travellin to books.anything!
3) myspace.com-refer to #1 review..ill be using the same anecdote
4) blogs-gee's, nini's (theyogainstructordiaries), n zaire's.love readin their written mind
Four places I would rather be right now:
1) apartment-im so much in needed of lustful sleep!
2) kangar-still not gettin over the homesick disease
3) any dental clinic-this stupic tooth is killing me
4) nowhere-id rather be infront of the pc n complete the tag.ehhehe
4 bloggers I am tagging
geez....im still learnin the meanin of taggin for god sake!