Friday, July 11, 2008

corazon roto..

i don't need your affection
i don't need your thought
i don't need your intention
i don't need your warmth
i don't need you


N A D Y A said...

be tough!be tough!be tough!u need u..we need u..

ladyhermanas said...

sumtimes i just want to close my eyes n pretend that i dun fall like this.but worry better

FauziahAbdulHalim said...

im so sorry to hear what happened but im also happy. in a way, you get to know him before you're legally tied to him. you're a strong girl. i'm sure you could get over through this 'ordeal' and find a more deserving guy. :)

ladyhermanas said...

thanks for all the wishes.i just wanna be strong..i really do.:).sumtimes u need to go thru the pain, in order to express the joy:)

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just a normal average jane who loves to sleep n write whatever comes across her mind.

of the gibberish ramblings and the thoughtless thought