Friday, June 26, 2009


say adieu to the reading if you are MJ's extremist freak.

i heard the news when busily ironing the clothes to the hearing today. didn't quite grasp on the name and had to listen twice to actually get the name right. the reaction? Blatantly zilch. well..that's for not being his ardent followers. i tuned in the radio and got the caller cried talking about his
okay, so i cant share the empathy.but for me, MJ is another noted celebrity, well maybe on his own league.yeah, he may be producing more billboard chart toppers, hundred earth friendly songs, and those music videos (beat it with the the red jacket and super tight jeans??), but he is also a freak.he did more plastic surgeries that put Jocelyn Wildenstein to shame. he created more scandals that even eminem did not bother mentioning.
on the other hand, i would totally be ludicrous to say that i never like his song.i did. i even sung the song for my TESL batch environmental day back in 2003. i enjoyed Beat It, or was it Thriller?

but does not affect me, even thought u'll be missed by other millions of people.
couldn't beat Lady D tho.

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