Monday, October 12, 2009

back to the scene ya people!

yeah i know i know.ive been sluggishly lazy to update anything on everythin happened for the past 2 months.too many actually, i've kinda forgetting what's all the fuss about jotting everythin in the blog.guess i have to cramp everythin in a small short summary of what ive been up to for the past months, havent i?

1)we had a helluva fun in goldcoast n brissy.yeah like u dun know bout it already.just go dig our pics in facebook u get what i mean.
2)met tis particular newzealander guy on the way to aussie, must say that he is one kewl guy!:)
3)am goin to hit phuket next week.lai lai..loi loi kratonggg..
4)my court case is still pending and it's been 2 years mostly now.wayyy freakin long!
5)dramas unfold in the family, and to that one strong women i know close in the family, u dun need a crap like him to make u happy!
6)am still not making any efforts of transferring to any part of malaysia.not yet.still deliberating.
7)got 'fresh meats' in the office.good timing!no more handling 5 classes per sem.
8)azlin n amiya are about to pop anytime yeah, more babies to the units.coochie cooingg coooo...!!
9)getting the promotion to one stage higher.more promotion, more moolah, more trips.:)
10)bein in a love hate 'ship if u can call it:)


eena.h.rosli said...

phuket here we come!

ladyhermanas said...

here we come phuketttt

mokja said...

lepas phuket plan nak pi mana pula lepas ni. nak join sekaki boleh.bosan la dok makan tidoq.

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just a normal average jane who loves to sleep n write whatever comes across her mind.

of the gibberish ramblings and the thoughtless thought