Tuesday, December 22, 2009

keja gila. gilaaa!

having fun and having to do all the dirty work in order to have fun are never ever going to be a great combination!period.i just dun get it.u call this appreciation nite whatever it is when you , in fact, gotta organize everything for ur own jubilation??whateheck. and please..like we have nothing else to do than being there in the hotel till 11 pm when all we cud think of is to b there early to our 8am class the next day.yeah i woke up late today coz i was so freaking tired!.geramnyaaaaa.....
why cant you people,just give us space to enjoy our dinner rather than running here n there in heels just to make sure everything is dem organize.sorrylah, i rather get my money burn n rather dig my face on a plate of a mamak mee goreng than pakai cantik cantik tapi end up not enjoying any single thing of it!erghhhhh!!!!!!
sorry la mom, gotta be a whiny biatch for today.tiredness rules everything.thank you very mucho


mokja said...

me missing all those kerja gila2 dah dekat nak 2 yrs.Pi dok staple kertas kat meja takut terbang dek angin lepaih maghrib and tampal lubang2 takut air hujan jatuh atas kapala VVVIP.But its worth the experience.
Lagi kerja gila2 .....next posting ha ha

mokja said...

me missing all those kerja gila2 dah dekat nak 2 yrs.Pi dok staple kertas kat meja takut terbang dek angin lepaih maghrib and tampal lubang2 takut air hujan jatuh atas kapala VVVIP.But its worth the experience.
Lagi kerja gila2 .....next posting ha ha

LIFE's LIKE THAT said...

ade college nyer dinner ker???

ladyhermanas said...

mummy:yeah u shud have truly understand this better.u knew how these all like

jue:apalagi.makan makan .dinner dinner.karaoke karaoke

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just a normal average jane who loves to sleep n write whatever comes across her mind.

of the gibberish ramblings and the thoughtless thought