Yo JKKK Sena Division, listen out!I got reasons why my mom is the most ideal candidate to covet the best mom or ibu 'mathali' of the year (errr..mom i hope u know how mithali is spelt.ho ho!!) The elemental reasons are...
1)she is the strictest teacher one cud ask.Reasons why her kids are doin good educationally.(You kinda have to do extra well if u got 2 strict teachers in one house.Dad included.
2)she never says no when we say we need money.Bet u dun have lifesize ATM machine in your home.hehe..kiddin mom, but u know u cant say no to us, your ever so poor kiddies.
3)she doesnt go bitchin about people, nor she joined any gossips shenanigans in town.The only gossip she ever fond of are deriving from forum.cari.and yeah,can be hours on it alone.ha ha. 4)she is known for her innate ability to predict thing, almost accurate.example:if she says there is JPJ roadblock ahead, then there is JPJ roadblock ahead.
5)heck, she keeps up with us the rascals.4 kids, 4 deviating attitude and most are dreadful.hahahha
6)and to keep up with her sibling too.woo hooo!!!that one, a real hands'down.
7)she is one cool mom (she knows what we are doin and we dun need to pretend good just to please averybody and that's the coolest part of all)
8)she was and still is a devoted scholar.yo, her students still acknowledge her till now!cikgu inson rocks , y'all!!
9)she owns blog.mak kau ada?
10)and.....albeit all the turbulences,she is one strong, very very strong human being God has created.u have no idea how!
yo yo.that is mathali.Correct not mithali cos tentulah i'm never near the said material.
mistake is intentional. Mathali tu macam cerita p.ramli la....vocab yg sendiri bikin.he he.
well, matahali ke mathali ke ur still rockin my world and that's what counted
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