Wednesday, October 06, 2004

and the weekend goes by..

saturday 2 last, afta a tremendous, meticulously planned date wiv my baby, we did go to genting, after all.i can feel his spirit of spending time wiv me, and was i touched by the thought of him coming over to kuantan just for the matter tat he wanted to accompany me driving to genting.:).
we started late on tat morning.thought of going at 7, but i was only finishing up dressing at 8.blame me not!i was like.. staying up all nite just to cook him n me sum food to be taken to genting (he was complaining the food was exorbitant up ther..ha ha..huney, i knew u just wanted me to cook).so being a good gf i am, i managed to screw up the kitchen n walla...the macaroni n tuna least it looked edible enuff n looked good in the tupperwares.ive been waiting for a long time to cook him sum, guess i managed to pull it out sumhow.:) and wiv the heart soared of blithe n giddiness, it was the moment we've been waiting for.
up in genting, everything was heaven.the rollercoaster (n i was still amazed of the voice he shrieked), the merry go round (still cudnt believe i let myself having the 'ever-so-cool ride'),the laughs, the jitters, the messy ice cream eating, i can still picture tat clearly.sorry i was not being descriptive enuff coz i believe good things are better left unsaid.and being wiv him, is a part of good things that happen to me lately.i want to write more, to be more passionate about the rides, but i know he knows that we both know the things we know.thank u baby, for the enticing moment we both had. and im counting on bali...:)

1 comment:

boddah said...

thanks for bein there. i like wat u wrote here...concise but meaningful.Glad you and I had a great time...the only thing i wud wish for is for us to pull thru to the next level which is....

_ A _ _ I _ _ E

(see if u can figure tis word out)

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just a normal average jane who loves to sleep n write whatever comes across her mind.

of the gibberish ramblings and the thoughtless thought