Wednesday, December 28, 2005

againts the odds

looking at her blithe look, i knew directly she has made her choice, and the choice is to be the most radiant bride i've seen.marryin the man of her life, planning to have babies, she is the person who always so sure of what she wants in her life.well..that was almost a year, she is arming with a baby girl...and a divorce.almost.i never know she is never happy, she never talks , never badmouth about her mundane matrimonial life.and when she broke the news of her separation, just like when she annoucing her marriage a year ago, i was agape and taken aback, fullforce.i never realise, never know she was coping with the unworkin marriage.
as the cliche would say, marriage is partially a game, a risky undertaking.won't ever know whether u make it to the final rope, or say nay in the between.for u my everdearest friend, u have my pray.hope 'this' landslide wont bring u down any vita e bella..ironically.

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