what makes a blog enticing enough to be read?as a blogger even if not a frequent provider of stories i am, the urge of telling stories and anecdotes about ur life n perceptions would always be there.im one avid reader of blogs (esp when it is categorised as 'hot' blog..u get what i mean about tis later) and not in a day i stop reading blog or writing about it (even if for now im slacking of writing!!).ive started becoming a faith follower of blogging cult in the year of 2004 and basically the stories were only revolving about the relationship with my x (since he was on it too as well).and yes, the truth was, the blog in its starting point was deemed as private as only both of us knew the url to it (but heck to to that now!!).and ive never looked back.people who have chances to read mine might classify this as one rubbish blog as it talks nuthin useful (i did warn u peeps that mine cud be as gibberish as hell..just the way i like:).i would never ever deleted/transferred/cancelled my account in any way possible.ive read my life here in my own space.the ones that were forgotten are goin to be there in front of moi naked eyes.the ups and downs, the merry go round of life,u name it.call it as crappy as u want, but as long as i am able to still scribbling down words and emotions, i wont stop.so what do i discreetly reading anyway..?
acix's-i always love her stories about emot, and sum part of personal stories that has been told and to only later being transferred into words.i love her for her words on me, the ones that keep me going anyway.u are now in the bloggin cult, zarina:)
theyogainstructordiaries-personally, i dun know her,but yet again, i just love reading her 'twisting' and 'pretzel'ing her words.in a good way, yes.she's the celebrity yoga instructor as she being labelled to.and it is just enticing reading what the fun part of life that a yoga guru can turn to:)
lovemunchkins-this is poziah's.if u wanna have a dose of a motherly blog laden with sarcasm, u can get it all here.hahah.happy moving to the new crib, poziah!
pinkstiletos-she swears on herbalife n her post herbalife stories that keep me hooking with her blog.
nadya's-my cuzin.just stumble upon her blog.reading hers is like reading the updated stories of my aunt n uncle in terengganu:)oh n yes, she likes mine too.hhaha
i cud go on forever of which blogs that i secretly reading, be it celebrities, politician and normal beings.if ur life is such a downer n u need to divert ur attention to sumthin fun, i suggest..try digging urself on other people's blog.it's a cure!
try digging urself on other people's blog.it's a cure!
p/s:i second ur suggestion..:)
i'm not sarcastic!(now in denial)
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