Friday, November 13, 2009


i wanna die laughin!

cetek akal betul.we had fun reading her out.people like her will always goin to be livid and insecure.u know what girl, i pity u.

kesian.shud look in the mirror more.


eena.h.rosli said...

a real loser she is!!

ladyhermanas said...

i rest my case:)

mokja said...
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ladyhermanas said...

chill mom, we know u raise us well.karma pays, and it pays good.tak apalah, dia kan gojes, cantek gila.kita ni kan takde rupa.tak apalah.tak kawin pun takpa:)

mokja said...

do miss the brahuahua.tu la dah kata we need do nothing ,god has paid in cash.i do wonder how she could face her officemates after knowing what a laughing stock she has made herself into.Rasa rasa nak terjun tingkat 30 pulak kot.kudos to that lady who let the rots out.

anyway to that person out there i had raised my children with care. And i never taught my children to be PERAMPAS .faham!

eena.h.rosli said...

if her parents really raised her well,she would become a really good person with a good heart.and she is totally nothing in between!
ppl talks bout u in the office,and believe me they will never stop!

N A D Y A said...

hey gimme the link as u promised!i wanna join the laughter too...

Anonymous said...
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