After the endless ingestion on food and drinks (of many colors and flavour..mind you), from many open houses and moi truly, i catch flu and bit feverish on the fourth day of raya.Woke up this morning with the nose uncomfortably blocked, and the ulcers yet again on the lower part of my gum.Uh oh..i know i know i had the devil thought that i would perhaps catch some fever or something so i could on friday, but i am not expecting my wish to be real!since i dont really favour meeting the doctor, i opt to just pop on activefast.
Anyway, our open house yesterday officially ended at close to 10pm, with the last batch of mee lovers came all the way from kuala lumpur and sg petani.It's like a yearly gathering for both sides of my parents.Abah's side were the first, minus acik since she indeed would be having her open house the same day.Mom's clan came in the evening, and stayed till late.Coaxing tok ton's to stay but she wants to go home to makteh's for the time being.Oh, we met, or i met the newlywed, siti and her hubby and since i didnt come home for her wedding, this would be the first time i met the hubby.
The worst part of the open house was that, i had to bid adieu to my baju raya and just had to be happy donning a tshirt and pants!Why you asked?Because i so don't want to ruin my baju raya, getting at war with piles of dirty dishes in the kitchen!And because of that, most of my raya picture taken from the rosli's and kakchon's open house, spelled unglamorous!I didn't even had the chance to run for shower when lia came visiting and had to use my best grin and hoping i won't smell of daging rebus next to her.hahaha.
All i could say, i always love throwing an open house coz it's the only chance, sometimes, to catch the stories you have missed throughout the years and be able to meet those dear people u haven't gotten the chance to visit, eventhough they only live less than 30 mins away from you, all in the name of misfit hectic work.So what would be the better reason to enjoy your open house, right?
And perhaps, i should throw one back in kuantan:)
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