Friday, April 05, 2013


Being 5'1, I always swear on a good pair of 3 inch-heels. Heels uplift you, physically and emotionally. Not having one is like you cruising around naked, like people looking down at you and it does not help if you are walking side by side next to 5'5 human beings, because I feel soooooo imcomplete.

Well, that is just me. Being all silly with silly reasons.

But no matter how much i adore strutting myself in heels, I can only do so at work. When I am all geared up with baju kurung and matching tudung. Does not matterlah of the fact that my classes are mostly up up and away ( 4 floors and no elevator, got my free workout everyday hey!), and tak payah kiralah how many times I have to send my favorite pair of heels to cobblers just because their soles are all worn out. And my relationship with heels is always a debatable topic at the workplace especially among kakak kakak colleague yang merasakan I was in pain wearing heels to work, and supported their debates with the medical facts of lifeling consequences of heels. Ahhhh tak kiraaaa...tak dulikkk aku nakkk... aku nak pakai jugakkk!! (macam cerita monyet nak makan cili program tv pendidikan dulu dulu. hehhe.. ok lame. sila abaikan)

Ironically, I can't wear any when i am off work. Sangatlah tak selesa. I tried, soooo many times wearing ones when I am out for my social events. There was one time, we were out having dinner, and there i was, picking out the killer heels. The first hour was fine, but we kept on walking, i started having intolerable pains. Felt the cold floor calling me to go barefoot. Had to walk like a geisha. Few short-paced steps later, i gave up. Tak larat nak control. Tak larat nak stop every few minutes to reduce the pain. And reaching the car, I opened the bonnet and took out the loafers. Ahhhhh..nikmat wehh!

So when seeing this lady, with her towering heels, walking slowly from one showroom to another at Ikea, my heart felt for her. Berprasangka baik, since she was in her baju kebaya, she might just got back from a kenduri and got no time to change her soles. But at least, tak de kasut spare dalam kereta ke? She was walking in front of me and at this one showroom, she stucked on one of the carpet and nearly stumbled on her heels and nearly 'tertomos' (tertomoih kata orang peghelih). Luckily she had her boyfriend catching her before terduduk bergaya atas simen. Ha pakai lagi kasut tinggi tinggi. Dah tau hang nak mai shopping tempat macam ni dok kalut nak bergaya sangat pasai pa? (Okay, i do not say that out loud. Nak mampos? That was cruel inner me saying. hehehe).

I would still forever love my heels no matter what.


mokja said...

Remembered seeing the stars even though I was wearing flats...See flats or heels,when you are down you are down...just tersepak batu boleh tertomoih sampai terlentang.Adoi.Dalam sekolah lagi..

ladyhermanas said...

ahhh but heels give me confidence. and let me strut in style

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just a normal average jane who loves to sleep n write whatever comes across her mind.

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