Tuesday, July 07, 2009

the jab matter

i cant believe this!every private hospitals, every rickety clinics we went to resulting in a very upsetting answer.

"the shot is not available until further notice..which most probably be available in like 3 weeks"

3 weeks from now??heck i would be flying across the java ocean by then. seems that all of sudden people keen to be jabbed, and bolting for the planned vacation.we didnt do it earlier since the procedures should be taken effectively 2 weeks prior the vac.well..madam k called her hubby's panel hospital and holiguacamoly!!..the shot's avalaible and u cud simply walk in to get the jab without having to set any appointments.cool huh?

not really.

the drawback is that the hospital we're talkin about is KJMC
which is in kl
which means the doctors responsible for the shot only work during weekdays
which means we got to have a trip to kl
and means no classes.


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