Saturday, July 04, 2009

rattrap or a kettle of fish?

now i truly, understandably dig whatever my kezambo felt when people (read:the nosey parker, the busy body, the gossip meddler) kept asking, pestering actually, why she didnt get all preggy after her 2 year old marriage.the ones who merely brushed shoulders, much just to say hy when met on the road, turned out to be the ones who care about her unpregginess, too much really. now that madam lee got her potatoman, sumhow it's kinda sushing people

heck it is a dejavu.comforming to my book of dejavu actually.

met tis my old fren back in uitm, used to share room together, inside the college and later moving out renting the cheap flat across the college.heck, doesnt mean we were best buddies.far cry from that.being a flatmate, she was ok all the time..not really minding people's business.and she was together with the same guy she knew back in the college, while im still finding the 'man', non cheating bas***d to be the dude of my life.still probing the probability of getting the 'soulmate'.that's that.we graduated, got on our own way, walk the life as the way we want it to be and never meet each other again.

up till now.

i mean, okay.u can ask my wellbeings, my work, my family and yet you choose to ask those freaking disturbed question.after these while and that's what u care most?me not getting married n have babies?and u dun even bother to contact me in what kinda ways whatsoever and yet you wanna preach me that being married is the most amazing thing on earth?and dapat baby so aku tak payah meronggeng lagi?is that the best advice u cud give me?

oh my.

read this and try to really really comprehend.

i am okay for not having boyfriend.i am okay of being solo for almost 2 years now.i am okay of not being able to use that 1k wedding dress.i am okay not being able to walk down the aisle even if i almost got myself there.i am okay for not having the chance to be a married woman and born babies.i am okay per se.

does that make me a non marriage committal freak?does that bring me to the same league with ellen degeneres and elton john and samantha ronson?


i am okay with everything and stop asking me questions that only God could answer

duh.double double duh.


mokja said...

well the next time people ask you that freaking Q dont go fly off the handle.Be cool,babe.Will post "how to answer back"

ladyhermanas said...

act cool, but people dont seem to bother much

Anonymous said...

being single doesn't mean u r not lucky just a matter of time in finding the one.
don't giveadamn to the words frm ppl who care less bout u.
like jadeandell said,be cool yo!


ladyhermanas said...

seriously u r one pyschotic man spikyhair.bodo punya org

ladyhermanas said...

whats ur problem moron?angry much i called u cheating bastard?

the other ramblers

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just a normal average jane who loves to sleep n write whatever comes across her mind.

of the gibberish ramblings and the thoughtless thought