Saturday, October 09, 2010

10 rules to the golden bestfriendship

1) You take her as a sister, not a friend, because u might lose a friend in the end, but u can't lose a sister
2) You love her every chunks and every bits, even when she might have started to loathe some of hers, exactly the same thing that you probably do, in the end, both of you are going to love the chunkiest and the ugliest part of your other half.

3) You don't succumb to the nasty talk about your bestfriend, instead you summon up a courage and stood up for your bestfriend and to say "hey you just jealous I have her as my bestfriend and that resort you to talk bitchy about her" (or do this as mantra to ward out evil gossips bout her)
4)Which also brings to the fact that you stood up behind, beside and with her when nobody else seems to get her or agree with her because as bestfriend you read each other perfectly well , when no one else could.

5) Bestfriend understands what the other bestfriend loves doing, and accompany and enjoy being with the company and the things she loves to do. Let say if she loves Korean, you would give yourself a chance to dig what excites her. And even if you don't share the same excitement, you can still enjoy listening to her and discover her favourite things.
6) Bestfriend does not criticize other best friend for the sake of seeing her wither in humiliation. We criticize because we want her to look the best and obviously we do know what's best for her, don't we, best friend?

7) And when she criticizes you, you take that as a sisterly advise and don't swear on her just because she said things that are hurtful, because when the things hurt, it bound to have fact in it,and only best friend would say things that factually true and not afraid to hurt you 'coz she knows she's helping you.
8) Best friend would let her shoulder to be a place for the other best friend to cry on. Regardless how silly the matter is.

9) And when fate brings you apart, you still know that what you have with her is a golden gift, something you preciously have without acknowledging any compensation or returned favor.
10) That you both know you'll do everything to keep the friendship the way it is, come what may

and to my best of friend, makcik wok, we stood up for each other for what it worth, and you deserve all the happiness in the world for your birthday and for me to have that itsy bitsy jealousy not bein able to be there, oh well that just me.
Happy everdearest birthday to zarina zainal, and let's celebrate your birthday in the foreign land!Love you loads, muchacha!~


Moi Mad Ramblings said...

damn you, u make me turn on the waterworks. thanks, just because ....

ladyhermanas said...

it brings the waterwork in me too, esp looking back at those pictures taken years ago,the one at the beach and the one a la romy & michelle high school reunion

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