Thursday, February 16, 2012

congrats, little sister!

The little girl in my family is now officially a teacher, almost.:).2 years pursuing knowledge abroad, and absorbing more in IPBA, she is now ready to spread her wings and Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur!!

She got posted yeah~ not to the places I wish her would anyway, but what matter is that she is ready to venture into the world where mama and I are so proud of. Of course, it's the world of challenge and abundant of stress, but knowing her, I know she will nail everything comes her way. She is definitely born to do this:) Just look at how she handled Adry. The boy was so absorbed in whatever she doodled. When she was a kid, she handled another kids too, like a big sister being in a mini kindergarten, ha ha...So I guess the gene was there long time ago.:)

So to make it official,welcome aboard darling and how proud I am of you!

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