Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tag 30 (part cuatro)


16) What do you want to major in?

Would love to major in psychotherapy and be a psychotherapist. Particularly in relationship and human connection. I think I can manage that pretty well. Counselling was my minor field anyway. And I would love to major in floral course, minat bunga punya pasal:)

17) Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?

At the age I am now, I used to date a 27 year-old-man, dating ke? in, going out for dinner, nothing fancy, you know? 18? Cannot la wehhh, I can't bear picturing me babysitting a guy on a date! Pedophile I am so not!!

18) Your reflection in the mirror

Nothing I would change of what I see in the mirror. It reflects me, of who I am for the past 31 years. A strong and resolute individual, never quiver come what may, that's what I see and I hope i see it correctly. Insya Allah..

19) Things you like and dislike about yourself.

I dislike the fact that being a Pisces, i love water too much, keriau kuat.ha ha, tengok The Lion King pun boleh meleleh ayaq mata. I am sensitive, I can't say No when people ask for help, even it is beyond my strength and ability. I dislike the fact that I fall in love wrongly with the wrong person normally, and getting away from it was a trial and torment and left me being the one heartbroken.

But anywayyyyy...I do love the fact that I easily love people because it makes me not hating people, unless you being such an a**ho**. And I don't keep grunge for too long. Pendek kata, no matter what, walaupun kadang-kadang sesuatu hari itu seperti lahabau (waaaa...jadi orang melaka la pulak hoii!), tapi I just love being me lah, coz I am stronger that way:)

20) Who are you looking forward to seeing

Future him.

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just a normal average jane who loves to sleep n write whatever comes across her mind.

of the gibberish ramblings and the thoughtless thought